Friday, March 31, 2006

Another Canary Has Died

It is with great grief that I call your attention to the AP story, Caribbean Coral Suffers Record Death.

From the story: "Early conservative estimates from Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands find that about one-third of the coral in official monitoring sites has recently died."

Tom Goreau (Global Coral Reef Alliance) "called what's happening worldwide 'an underwater holocaust.'"

Want more proof that the human race is on the fast track to extinction? Witness these canaries:

The Disappearing Sardines: As Lake Tanganyika in Africa grows warmer, its massive schools of silvery fish get smaller. And nearby villagers say goodbye to their way of life.

Tuvalu is drowning: The island nation is slowly being inundated as the ocean rises, and some citizens are fleeing. How will the world handle a flood of "climate refugees"?

Baked Alaska: In the Arctic, where flowers are madly blooming, trees are growing to mutant sizes and the snowpack is thinning, researchers are getting an incontrovertible view of global warming.

Interactive Global Warming Impact Map

Sing little canaries, sing...


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